Nicole Ablack Ramkay Credentials
Bachelor of Arts Sociology, York University
Certified Yoga Teacher (200 Hour), Synergy Movement, Oshawa, Ontario
Yoga Therapy (500 Hour), Functional Synergy, Calgary, Alberta
Certified Pilates Mat/Reformer Teacher, Body Harmonics, Toronto, Ontario
Somatic Exercise Coach Training Level 1, Essential Somatics, Maplewood, New Jersey
SomaYoga Therapy & Somatics Intensive, International SomaYoga Institute, Duluth, Minnesota
SomaYoga Therapy Clinical Techniques, International SomaYoga Institute, Duluth, Minnesota
Certified SomaYoga Therapist (1000+ Hours), International SomaYoga Institute, Duluth, Minnesota
Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
Neuro Orthopaedic Institute Australasia (NOI Group), Explain Pain Training
The Resilient Heart Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certification